Young Vikings in Town

Hygge på Danstralsk

We acknowledge that YViT takes place on the stolen lands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and pay respects to their Elders, past and present. We acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded.

De Næste YViT fredagsmøder i 2024

2/8 · 6/9 · 4/10 · 1/11 · 6/12

2024 Klask turnerings tilmelding 

Foto fra August 2011

YVIT #205 2⁄8 (02082024) er i Denmark House kl 18 (happy Hour indtil 18, så kom lidt tidligere)

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ɹǝןpǝıℲ snɯsɐᴚ: Husk næste YViT er på en Fredag

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Foto fra August 2022

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Fastelavn 2025 Søndag den 8/2

10 years anniversary July 2017

from Denmark House:

please note that we are only operating the bar on Fridays, happy to seat you in the restaurant if you prefer but only the bar menu will be available.  

Kind regards, Andrew Procter

General Manager 

Denmark House